Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Maintenance is Getting Done around Lynchburg

In an effort to share how some money is being used for maintenance, I figured I would post a picture and an update.
We have successfully repaired drainage throughout the entire Village in the last two years. Drainage is important to keep water from laying on roads. When water lays on a road instead of going into a drain or ditch, it breaks up the road over time. It cause soft spots, cracking, bulges, pot holes, etc. In the last few months there have been two catch basins found, and cleaned, with new grates on N. Sycamore.
A very old drain was found on High Street and Broadway. After digging 6 feet deep it was opened. An eight in. was ran with a very small catch from the corner of Broadway to the newly opened basin on High St.
The top of the Catch basin at Short Street and Eastern was poured and a new grate. Many of us remember an old plate and sink hole there.
Recently part of the road started caving in at the Board of Education on Pearl. The drain line was made up of clay tile, steel, and plastic. It had been repaired and patched quite a few times. 140 feet of new culvert line was put in before the entire section fell in.
Stop Signs:
In 2008, the State of Ohio mandated that all STOP signs were to be high reflectivity. Many of the signs around the community were installed on the poles wrong, and faded. In an effort to make the community safer and meet the suggested mandate, all Stop signs are now high intensity reflective signs. Please let me know if any were missed during the replacement this year.
Trees are an important part of our community. They give it a quaint small town feeling. Trees provide shade, a place for wildlife, and they assist in saving energy by protecting our homes from the elements. Some though are rotten and need to be replaced. There was a little money in the State Hwy fund that can only be used for 134 and 135, and its right away. The total is several hundred a year. Usually it has to be added with other monies in order to do anything. This year it was used to cut down a couple rotten trees, that have had trouble in the past. In an effort not just to cut down, I have developed a plan to plant a few in the same areas. In addition, I would like to see some trees planted in our park areas.I am working toward this because I feel trees are an important part of our community and lives.
Street money:
The levy money has been used to prep streets for blacktop, snow removal, salt,drainage, and much more. I want to see the money at least pave a street or so every year. Blacktop is very expensive, however are streets need help. In an effort to start somewhere, Linn-Kar Drive will be paved, it has not been done since the 1970's and Bayless, from High Street - North is on the agenda to be paved, which has not been done since about the same time more around 40 years. It is something that has to be done. I hope to blacktop a couple streets a year.

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